
Milestone Update: 31 Months

7:33 AM

Time flies too fast and the backlog is clearly piling up so high - I must get down to Marie Kondoing the entries. NOW, why did Blogger not update the app! Life would have been so much easier, and I digress.


Since CNY is coming up, I decided to bake pineapple tarts from scratch - for the first time in my life and...swore never to do it again, if it is not for family. HAHA. 


In true foodie style, he was game to try these handmade tarts. 


First taking a good look. 


And then polishing it off. YAY.

  • The food game is still strong with this one and it definitely has to do with the genes when it comes to food - throw him meds and he takes them on like a champ, even asking for "more medicine!", his dreams are infiltrated by food and it is amusing how he sleep talks "big portion!" and of course the beauty of bringing him out for meals is he mostly sits through and hardly fusses as long as there is food. 
  • Since starting chinese class or maybe it was just coincidental how it was also time to unleash the chinese vocab he has been storing for a year in school - he understands chinese and can respond appropriately though we do have some way to go to be as conversant as he is in English. 
  • He has been amusing us with his cantonese phrases too - thanks to Ah Gong! 
  • The monkey antics have obviously leveled up - we scored an Accident and Emergency visit one Friday night over a splinter he managed to brilliantly kick under his toe. ARGH, BOYS. 
  • He has dumped the scooter for his tricycle -  can't wait to transit him to the walking bike and then a proper bicycle!
  • His safety net has extended to both yiyi and yizhang, randomly wanting them when he is disciplined. Cues roll eyes. 
  • The imaginative mind has clearly won this month when his teacher told him she was going to take a plane home for CNY and he replied almost matter of factly so was he and he was going to Hong Kong for the new year too. None of which is true though we do get some truth from this imp occasionally. 
  • We survived two plays with him completely mersmerized for Tiger Came to Tea but freaked out for Room on The Broom. Baby victories! 

And with that, we welcome Year of the Pig with wide open arms! Hope your family is having some serious fun too! 

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