
Matilda - First foray into the world of Roald Dahl

12:00 PM

Of the authors that had such an impact in my childhood, Roald Dahl ranks high...it could be his way of telling a story so riveting that all the titles I read were just so worthy of re-reads! Of his books, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach and Matilda are my top top top most favourites.

So then I had tickets to Matilda and thought why not expose C to it! Granted I was risking a few things here.

Delayed bedtime - in fact, a super duper very delayed one from 830pm in bed to at least 2 hours later. He must have thought I became the world's best mom for that one night.

It's more than 2 hours long - the theatre shows he's been to are mostly under an hour and it sure is a test of his patience and mine. Not to mention it being so close to bedtime!

Matilda is nothing to him - I did not managed to tell him the story nor even introduce the character, it's just as foreign as Elsa is to him.

Thank goodness for our box seats, we had space to ourselves and even if he started walking around, he was not disturbing anyone! ANDDD...I was still fearful about him asking his 500 questions within earshot of everyone.

While we did not last the full 155 minutes including the break, we lasted almost 120 and it's a major kudos to my toddler. He was so captivated, he actually did not want to leave. HAHA!

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