
Milestone Update: 32 months

10:30 PM


Every passing month gives me a tingly sense of pride that my little boy is no longer little, he is slowly growing up. Of course, there will be emo days where I wish time did pass slower!

  • Some progress with swimming, he's gotten the knack of going under water and kicking with the foam board and a foam noodle. Hooray to jumping into the pool too! Baby steps but we will get there!
  • His recognition of alphabats is a-okay, not the best but I am not complaining. Better with numbers here and some idea of chinese words. 
  • More exposure to table food, we went for chicken rice and he had them off the plate with some dousing in hot water. I guess I am resistant still to the full exposure...and well, baby steps for his mom here. We've gone full swing with desserts though - chocolate sauce from the school, chocolate cake from school too and all the things I don't wish to know. Snacks are still baby snacks and everything not permissible is spicy. :P UNTIL he can read and tell me they are otherwise. 
  • Seeing him take to drop off classes like a champ makes the heart swell - no more tears and the me time is coming back! 
  • He's got his favourite friends in school - mostly boys and it tickles me how they can do everything together. They speak in their coded language, hold hands to run and shout their loudest goodbyes. I just hope they remain that good friends and even if he were to experience the downside of friendships, may the impact always be brought to the lowest. 
  • I miss babying him sometimes and while this is not a milestone of his but his maturity amazes me. There are days he regresses into babyhood, asking to be carried in school and gets extra clingy, I had to remind him before school that he is a big boy and he should be holding my hand walking into school. 老师说我是大哥哥了. I swear I almost teared when I heard his rationale and while my objectives are met, I wanted to much to tell him - you'd always be my baby. 

And I just have to document these conversations just so you know...memory's sake. 

"Popo I don't want to share my banana with ah gong." 
"Why? Then he'll have nothing to eat." 
"I poopoo, he can have that banana."

WHO TEACHES HIM THESE THINGS! As good as telling someone to eat shit, LOL. 

"*!^@&^$%" - the husband said something he shouldn't infront of him.
"Mama, Cycy cannot say *!^@&^$%." HAHAHAHA. 

1-0. These pearls of wisdom and he's at an age where he self talks what is right and wrong, toooo cute!

"Mama, XXX said stupid in school and Miss XX said we "tehhh" cannot say."
Somehow or another he caught on it during the weekend and was quick to point it out whenever someone muttered "stupid."
"I want to tell daddy cannot use stupid." he confided later one day....ohhhh my heart. 

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