
Brow Ressurection at Browhaus

5:05 PM

I am never the brow person - from the early days of makeup to finally dabbling in mascara and eyeliner. The eyebrow pencil and I were not BFFs, somehow Brow ressurection never quite crossed the mind until a visit to Browhaus for a threading session, I signed a package and a session was scheduled shortly there after. The only day I had perfect brows was on my wedding day and somehow I fell in love with the shape of it and decided to get them embroidered!

2 whole hours I had booked - upfront let's just say there is tattooing of the brow involved, numbing cream is administered and do or die, the tattooing has to be completed within the next 20 minutes or so before the pain starts creeping.

The first part of it was fun with the therapist doing a sketch of the final deal with an eyebrow crayon, she gave me a choice of 2 shapes but I still stuck with the original idea. The carving started that felt like scratches on my brow but when the numbing cream wore off, it did hurt...like a fire ant's bite. Anyhow, the final product!

7 days of post treatment followup needed on my end, there was a kit to use and dutifully like all first timers I did as told.

1st - 3rd day 

There were pinkish scabs with dried blood. Mostly bearably since it was still healing.

4th day

Scabbing started and so did the itching, I admit there were occasions I reached to scratch the itch and only realised after actually scratching off the dye! Patchiness started with the left brow missing out on some dye but the right completely intact.

Let's just say it is supposed to last from 1-1.5 years but afterwhich I either continue with the embroidery or learn how to draw the brows in the same manner. If anything, it gave me a shape to follow. Somehow, for the same amount of money, getting my teeth whitened seem to be a more permanent procedure!

After more than a month, I am totally enjoying my brows! Just with some touch up with the brow pencil and I am ready to go! I have my second touch up due end of the month and it will be till next year before I get them embroidered yet again. For a first timer, I say it is money well spent.

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