
Third Trimester with Speckie

11:12 AM

Rightfully, 18 July would have been Speckie's EDD and I was somehow hoping he'd bake in the oven for a weebit longer (which reminds me, I have yet to even start writing about his birth story!). Turns out my plan to pen weeks 38 - 40 separately was already a sign of things to come. Mummy's instinct?

Alas, week 28 arrived. FINALLY. I'm not sure how many are like me who are seriously counting down to the end of the pregnancy..and I approach this last trimester with some apprehension. The last leg...I'm not sure if this will be the first and last pregnancy...hopefully the last 12 weeks or less will not be too uncomfortable.

This is known as the last stretch, and possibly the most uncomfortable. 

The bits that annoyed

By now the weight has more of less stabilized, thanks to GD. Weight gain was minimal in the last few weeks of the second trimester and hopefully I keep within my own targeted weight gain.

Leg/Calf cramps

These were coming on fast and furious, walk too much and I end up with sore calves. BOO. So far I've had three different cramp attacks, toes and calves and it is no joke.

Here big, there big, everywhere is big

I gave up trying to dress up and have a fashion sense. As long as I am comfortable, I could even go out in my pjs if possible. There are moments where I underestimated the size of the bump - I've abused it against the chopping board and sliding doors amongst so many things. Oops. I look forward to the day the bump can be used as a balancing act for my bowl or bag of chips.

The growing belly

The last trimester usually sports a faster growth than the first two, I end up a lot tighter at the belly after a heavy meal and the only position that keeps me happy is lying on my bed. I do not expect more comfortable days ahead, but that just means the end to this discomfort is near, at least!


Between itching and pain, I would very much prefer the latter. An itch developed in the groin area and a private part that will not be named. Thank god for cooling powder that helped ease the discomfort a fair bit.

Groin pain

Out of the blue, I developed groin pain on one of the days during Week 30. Intermittent ache/pain that annoyed me.  Thankfully it went away after a night of propping my legs up.

Swollen ankles

I definitely was not expecting water retention since I survived so long without any - then they came harsh on me whenever I walked under the hot sun. By sundown, they were heavy, achey and nothing like the feet I know. Oh, if I stared hard enough at my toes, they became mini sausages. How-cute. Hurhur.

Ruddy red limbs

Thank you water retention, I ended up with flushed lower limbs - completely unsightly and a mere prod would cause a mark. SO fun. 

Hunger pangs

While I am thankful and so is the husband that we never quite got bugged by midnight cravings, the hunger pangs were coming back stronger than before. Even after what felt like a ginormous dinner at 7pm, I'd be rummaging my fridge at 10pm. 

Preterm Contractions

Whilst my group of mummy friends were no stranger to this, I was not expecting the rude awakening of a combination of cramps and what I thought could be Braxton Hicks/Pre-term contractions in the wee hours of the morning! They lasted all of 45 minutes with Speckie moving around like a baby under water though. Baffling much and all the hospital could offer was "to monitor". Ho-hum.

The countdown

With so many things being checked off the list, it seemed like there were still others left.

Week 29

The sugar cravings were still going strong - the more I am denied, the harder I crave for all things sugary! ARGH. My satisfaction of an icecream cone was gone in less than 10 minutes and I still craved another.

Settled the baby chair this week...and somehow I'm still left with diapers and sterile cotton swabs and all the itsy bitsy necessities. Oh, did someone say kimono tops are better for newborns? RAWR.

Nesting instinct kicked in with my obsession with cleaning stove tops, my fridge and every other corner that I seemed to over look in the last tens of weeks. BOO.

I developed an urge to cook strangely, more so than ever. Chicken thighs, vegetable casseroles, spring rolls even. What's happening?

We explored the idea of posturepro to adjust posture before birth and alleviate pains during labour - sigh, the costs put me off unfortunately. 

Week 30

I felt extra large this week, and almost started waddling like  duck. :( Midway to the next month's milestone, friends were all telling me how fast the pregnancy progressed and soon I'd miss having him inside me.

Week 31

Clothes that used to fit stopped - more so than ever. I spent a good 15 minutes pacing up and down the wardrobe thinking what can fit and contemplated taking MC because I couldn't find anything decent. Shame on me for not investing in gorgeous PJs that can also pass off as work wear.  Finally, the most unlikely piece of clothing actually fit - albeit too snug at the butt BUT beats having nothing to wear.

Going through old photos made me resent the current size, it is unfortunately devastating..and...:(

Week 32

Water retention started being a bane this week, exactly after the gynae's visit. It got so bad, for the first time my wedding band could barely fit, my lower calves and feet swelled up and were mostly a fiery red throughout the day. Not fun at all when these translated to weight gain on the weighing scales. BOO.

I was made to count his movements this week and by 10am I would have hit the necessary 10 movements. 

Week 33

I battled water retention hard this week, it got so bad that my left foot resembled a pig's trotter compared to the right. I tried all I could -  drinking more water, foot massages and getting them propped up when I sleep to ease the discomfort. Compression stockings were definitely the lastest of all resorts!

And the weight gain continues. BOO.

Week 34

When I thought water retention could be controlled, it went out of control with further swelling and hobbling like a hog with an injured hoof. BAH.

The cot arrived this week and I got alot more emo putting together his scrapbook...the journey thus far has been...one huge ride.

I battled insomnia on one weekend night, waking at 4am and all I could think of was how to do the bacon egg casserole for the Hubba. :(

Coconut juice started this week - HOORAY. This is godsent!

Week 35

His movements are definitely  alot larger and stronger by this week and apparently - his hearing abilities have fully developed this week! I wonder if he knows who I am...LOL...and high pitched tones scare him I realise, and he reacts by shuffling a lot inside.

I cannot imagine what my gynae would say about my ridiculous weight gain. I already hate my fat self. We discussed our  birthplan with our gynae and hopefully I get to stick with it despite the pain expected.

First episode of preterm contractions that scared me and I was this tempted to rouse the snoring Hubba and dash to A and E...(sigh)..thankfully they went away after 45 minutes and I slept like a hog till day break. The only takeaway was - the thought of epidural kept flashing in my mind. HAHA.

Week 36

Waddling like a penguin is sucha norm, I may have forgotten how walking used to be like without a pumpkin infront of me.

I experienced the most painful calf cramp to date and literally shrieked out in pain at daybreak. :( NO FUN. 

Week 37

Officially full term! *throws confetti*

Strapped on the CTG to monitor his heart rate and contractions during the ob-gyn visit...cervix check for dilation which hurt like a b*. I wonder how the bottom half of the body is gonna adjust to such hourly abuses when the real deal starts. Turns out, we should not be expecting the lil man to arrive this week afterall!

Braxton hicks coming on strong after midnight at the expense of sleep. RAWR.

The advice

Get enough sleep! 

We probably heard this so many times throughout the pregnancy but it got more frequent in the last 10 weeks or so. The bane of being me is sleep does not come like a tsunami and whack me hard, I sleep an average of 7-8 hours on most days, hardly ever more than 9 but I hit 6 or less on the remaining days. Yet, some say with motherhood having a stretch of 6 hours is a humongous luxury, even.

Enjoy couple time

Yes, yes, yes! Heard this loud and clear...and we planned a staycation and plenty of good meals before we get imprisoned and food will not be enjoyed but gobbled for the next one year at least.   

Eat at all the kid unfriendly places

I suppose our dining habits will take on a life changing stance - savouring is a luxury, gobbling is norm. 

Wait for the day you wake up without water retention

Old wives' tale?  I've been told this by a number of aunties to date. Anyhow, I shall see if the myth remains a myth or gets debunked!

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