As much as possible, I've been exposing C to the world of theatre regularly. Partly because I enjoy them myself and hopefully he starts to appreciate it too. So off to The Very Hungry Caterpillar play! I actually overlooked that it also included other tales and I had not gotten those two other tales to read to him prior - woe is me...
Popcorn it was this month, because I really ran out of ideas what to make him and I was wary this picky eater may just turn his nose up on my donuts if I attempted. So yes, someday homemade donuts but until then he was SO THRILLED to be given his own baby popcorn since we have been dangling Garrett's and denying him....
Very early on during Speckie's time I already knew what I'd call my next foetus, blobbie. When we discovered speckie it was right on time at 4 weeks plus a few days and how ironic was it is when we discovered blobbie, it was actually at 7 weeks 5 days instead of 4 weeks over. Had I missed a whole month? GASP. I...
If life hadn't thrown me IF, I would have timed my children 3 years apart. I joked about having 3 before and having 2 girls and 1 boy though the most ideal situation is to have all girls. Ideals aside, I did not rule out getting pregnant again within the first year but I let breastfeeding the first born take priority. Of course I wish...