
Milestone Update: 34 months

10:30 PM

Popcorn it was this month, because I really ran out of ideas what to make him and I was wary this picky eater may just turn his nose up on my donuts if I attempted. So yes, someday homemade donuts but until then he was SO THRILLED to be given his own baby popcorn since we have been dangling Garrett's and denying him. Bad assed parents.


2 months shy of threenager and the horrors are real.

  • PINK everything is up his alley. Pink boxers, food, fruit, drinks, bottles...everything he wants has to be pink and there's so much that "I'll buy it later" will get me. DAMN. 
  • The art of negotiation has taken a new spin. "Later" is always met with "But I want it now." Someone save me. The before and after I am sure he understands but he chooses to take me head on. 
  • Conversationally he has progressed with his chinese language and I hope that remains since we are down to the last 10 months of his chinese immersion programme in school. 
  • He's gotten pickier this month for some awakening reason, "I only want goat's milk in a packet", "No vegetables!" (thank goodness weekends are still a breeze with feeding him anything, weekdays always gets him spoilt...) 
  • So far no huge picky fights over outfits, he still lets me dress him. Only the shoes he wears to school has been causing us some morning pain - sandals over shoes always. LIKE WHY. 
  • He's been off diapers in school for abit now, we are taking things slow for this...it will come and happen when he's ready so I'm all good. 
  • "Ah Gong, you go and die." The first time I heard it, my heart broke. Here's my little boy using "death" as part of a statement and we had to explain why he should not say it and hopefully not scare him the reality of it. 
  • Night terrors have taken centre stage this month and we're not sure if it has to do with the numerous milestones he is hitting (toilet training, weaning of milk etc...or...)  or really his mind is too active. 
Still I lament the years are short and days are long...let the tough days always be short and the great days long. 

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