
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

3:39 PM


As much as possible, I've been exposing C to the world of theatre regularly. Partly because I enjoy them myself and hopefully he starts to appreciate it too. So off to The Very Hungry Caterpillar play! I actually overlooked that it also included other tales and I had not gotten those two other tales to read to him prior - woe is me when he saw the moon and started crying. Argh, boys!


Us before the play began!

What makes this production different from the others attended is, the actors actually address the crows after the show to share tips and take questions. What's more? Our tickets included a back stage tour too!


The actors were so gracious in showing us all their stage tricks and letting the kids go near these prized props!


Not to mention take a gadzillion photos.

Well, one down and cannot wait for our next theatre adventure!

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