
Cleaner air with Cosmo Prime® Air Purifier!

12:00 AM


One of the must haves in my home is a purifier and thanks to all the years of haze, I have gotten acquainted with them. Infact, I already have two in my home and in such situations, the more the better so the whole house has cleaner air as opposed to selected areas. Especially with young children, we do what we can to minimise the chances of them falling ill - at any cost. 



We were sent the Cosmo Prime® Air Purifier + 3-in-1 HEPA filter and here's what worked for me:


It's SO quiet!

With just 20 dB. it's almost noiseless. There are ocassions I even forgot that it is actually busy clearning our air! 


Coverage Area: Up to 80m²

I cannot emphasise how important the capacity of the air purifier is. If I put an air purifier built for a small room into a much larger one, I am overworking it and it will not be able to effectively and efficiently filter air. This suits my living and dining area perfectly!  \

Sleek design

The design is so sleek and is built with an auto-adjusting fan function. Under the "Anion Mode", it releases negative ions to reduce stress and boost immunity! The rounded build edges help absorb particles from all over too! So much win here! 

True HEPA Filter (filters 99.97% of all particles) to filter PM2.5 and smaller particles

Note that a product is either HEPA or not HEPA, there should not be any “HEPA Type” and “HEPA Like” mention because these just means the product does not meet the High Efficiency Particulate Air standard.

The key purpose of having a HEPA filter is to be able to filter out 99.97% or more of all particles which are 0.3 microns (micrometers) in diameter. To put things in perspective, a human hair's diameter is approximately 50 micons and the human eye cannot see anything smaller than 40 microns. HEPA H13-H14 are within the highest tier of HEPA and are considered medical grade quality. HEPA H13 and H14 trap 99.95% and 99.995% of such particles, respectively.

Cosmo Prime® Air Purifier filters 99.97% of all airborne particles, allergens, dust, harmful chemicals, virus, hair, bacteria, dust mites, mould, skin flakes, pollen, spores, textile fibres, animal fur and volatile organic compounds. This list is as exhaustive as it can get - honestly, the more the merrier and I'm not complaining! 


Low Power Consumption

I love green appliances and since this is going to be turned on most of the day, if it does not conserve energy, the electricity bills will be high to maintain! 

The other service features that you can consider before getting one too!

20 Day Free Trial

I like this and it costs a reasonable amount of money so why not try and see if you like it else just return it! 

Free Same Day Delivery

Definitely loving this and the caveat is there is stock availability. At the height of haze most of the air purifiers were out of stock without a definite date for restocking and I was left with no choice but to just get any purifier available and still have to wait for an available delivery slot so this same day delivery is extra attractive.

5 Year Warranty

This is industry standard so it's good that they are honouring this 5 years too.  

Now, it's about sitting back and relaxing with cleaner air at home! 

12 Best Air Purifiers to Buy in Singapore

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