Sensory play is the buzzword for children of this millenium, I don't remember growing up with this term much less knowing what sensory play is about. For sure, it would have been a similar concept. I love how there are SO many like minded moms around and the internet is a haven for all these recipes, I've tried as much as possible to...
With the Parents Curriculum Tea Session happening at the end of the week, I started the week hoping very hard the crying bouts would be weaned by this week. Talk about expectations huh. Day 11: Moving onto extended day? He sensed we were going with the routine of dropping off bag in the cubbyhole, place his waterbottle in the basket and then head...
I am finally updated with my indoor playgrounds reviews though there are a few still lurking...I've gotta be more hardworking with my updates! Tickle Tickle is a series of indoor playgrounds in heartlands and this was right smack in a sports hall within Henderson estate. I was cautious about the crowds but I thought no harm just dropping by to have a look...
I figure I cannot keep up with these milestone letters. I might as well just note his milestones to the best of my failing memory. He walks, runs and...sometimes breaks into a little dance by bending his knees (I call it dancing like an ah pek!). He can speak in two syllables - open, amen (so so so cute when he completes my...
I'm not sure how separation anxiety can run in the family, I was unfortunately not the easiest of all toddlers nor the hardest. Just somewhere in between forcing myself into the toilet watching the mother take a shower, and the same kid who wept buckets at childcare watching my parents ruthlessly abandon me. The hubba claims he was otherwise, yet the in laws...
My heart broke a little every time I think of him starting school - while I really do not want to molly coddle him and bring up a mommy's boy (too much judging here but I have to remind myself the difference between hand holding and smothering him with it). And I speak as if he is 18. 18 months, that is. We...