
Starting School

10:11 AM


My heart broke a little every time I think of him starting school - while I really do not want to molly coddle him and bring up a mommy's boy (too much judging here but I have to remind myself the difference between hand holding and smothering him with it).

And I speak as if he is 18.

18 months, that is. We knew from the start he needed to start some form of routine and school searching started really early for us. At some point, infant care was considered and that's how I embarked on this search for THE school.

Depending on which part of the island you stay in, starting early never hurts. In some cases, waitlists are years' long and some end up graduating without ever getting a place in the first choice childcare/kindergarten. Well fact is, kindergarten only starts at 3 years old, anything prior is play group.

We had a checklist in mind and after some hemming hawing and calculations, we signed up for his first school when he was a year old.

First day jitters

Yes me. More than C who probably had no clue what the fuss anyway. We collected his uniforms, got them tagged and when I finally packed his school bag, reality sunk in. My baby is going to school, this 2nd January onwards...every single year will be a school year.

Half day first for us, we wanted thing slower and more manageable than to already culture shock him with friends, teachers and having to take a nap in a foreign surrounding.

We took the effort to tell him more things about school a week prior, and then last minute hug Buddha leg by teaching him his Chinese name (ahhaha, sorry son, we decided to enroll you in a Chinese immersion class when we don't speak much at home).

I like the fact that the school had an orientation session for us parents, sent us communications before school started. However, I wish I was given the chance to bring him in a week earlier just to orientate but I do understand insurance and indemnities and all.

It was a 100% accompaniment on the first day where he explored his new classroom, loved the toys and food (Cheese sandwich! and Miso soup!). I would have cringed at even serving him miso soup but...school being school, close both eyes.

The first day went well except for the slight resistance to diaper changing by the teacher (I really cannot fault him here since all along it's been family who's been doing that honours, and suddenly a stranger!).

My pee break was nervewrecking because he ran after me, almost had a melt down and well was a sign of things to come.

Second day...more tears!

I discussed this with the teachers prior on my plans and we both agreed that I should transit him since we only had 3 days. He was left with the teachers for 2 hours and I'd return when lunch was over. Save for a few sudden realizations that I wasn't there, he was mostly distractible - phew!

And then the mother of all meltdowns at diaper changing again.

Thank god I wasn't there to see him cry - else I'd have cried along with him!

Third day - are we ready?

By fluke or not, he was dropped off without a tear...had so much fun he didn't want to return. Got his clothes and diaper changed without fuss and we almost felt that we could just transit to full day within the month.

Four days into it, I can only pray after the weekend we don't have that many tears to deal with come next week.

So there, our first week done and dusted.

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