
Week 3: Crying, decoded

12:00 PM


With the Parents Curriculum Tea Session happening at the end of the week, I started the week hoping very hard the crying bouts would be weaned by this week. Talk about expectations huh.

Day 11: Moving onto extended day?

He sensed we were going with the routine of dropping off bag in the cubbyhole, place his waterbottle in the basket and then head out for play. He started raising his hands to be carried and whining before wailing. His Chinese teacher came over to take him to breakfast table and despite the whole dramatic "MAAAMAAAA" with arms outreached and tears spewing out, he settled rather quickly.

Thank GOD for a tamchiak child.

On a separate note, we are considering shifting him to extended and full day soon - onward to more normalcy in life!

Day 12: Finally another teacher that he is familiar with

I had my reservations when I was told he loved one particular teacher and she had to devote her attention on him, no other child could be near her and the crying would ensue if she was not within eye shot.

Today I saw for myself how he took to yet another teacher from his class, phew! At least he won't hate school if the other quits or for some reason joins another class.

Day 13: Disrupted sleep and a grouchy pickle

He napped and slept poorly the day before hence we had a super duper very grouchy pickle on our hands. The slightest irritation got him tantrum-y and really, this reminded me why we put him in school in the first place. (Shift of responsibilities dealing with the cranky haha!).

He cried in the car seat, refused to be placed down in school, adamantly did not want to place his water bottle in the basket and then was clingy at breakfast table (almost dropped his French toast) and...starting wailing before the toast made it into his mouth.

I heard him yelling but nooooo turning back. In less than a minute later, the waterworks stopped and erm, he was actually having his second breakfast happily. I sense some emotional blackmail going on in the little mind of his.

Day 14: The first no-tears drop off

I was somewhat expecting that he as graduating out of his teary goodbyes especially when his water works lasted all but a minute. He was hesitant to go over to laoshi but food is always sucha a huge temptation and in no time, he was carried off and I swear I almost did a fist pump - AT LAST.

Day 15: Byebye mama!

For formality's sake, at 81 weeks all in, we did not have a fluke when he was dropped off without a tear and he managed to wave goodbye. I am glad we are making progress and at his own pace I am glad he is enjoying school.

With a tear in my eye, I heaved a sigh of relief we crossed our first milestone in school - dropping off without tears. My baby is...no longer a crybaby. These entire 15 days taught me one thing: I am definitely not ready nor prepared to revisit this entire crying business again if we ever need to change schools. Ah, intertia.

And it was how aptly the same day that I received a call from his teacher with plans to extend his half day to extended and finally full day. We discussed in length all the possibilities and how we'd go about executing it and that, I am really thankful there are such good teachers around. While I do not have any for comparison, this is what makes choosing the preschool/kindergarten/childcare so important because these important people make their first years so fundamental.

We received his first two week report and we're thrilled he is enjoying school. No rejection of the uniform or the initial resistance towards teachers changing his diaper...baby steps!

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