
Week 2: Separation anxiety gets REAL

3:30 PM


I'm not sure how separation anxiety can run in the family, I was unfortunately not the easiest of all toddlers nor the hardest. Just somewhere in between forcing myself into the toilet watching the mother take a shower, and the same kid who wept buckets at childcare watching my parents ruthlessly abandon me.

The hubba claims he was otherwise, yet the in laws sing a different tune.

Well, jokes aside...I knew we were getting ourselves into some teary and messy affair - it's juts normal toddler behavior when they cannot verbalise their unhappiness otherwise apart from really crying.

And we had loads of it.

Day 4 - The jab screwed things up for us. We were late, they went into assembly (cues panic because he's not encountered it before). Clung like a koala and cried for his dear life.

Day 5 - Damn the weekend, the dropoff was expectedly tough. Plus, no familiar favourite teacher.

Day 6 - Another group of new faces at play area for dropoff. He ran towards us and was picked up by a strange face. Cues a good 30-45 minute wailfest. The only time he settled down was when his teacher appeared.

Did we say the crying will stop, soon?

Day 7 - The heartless drop off continues. I walked off without looking back and I heard the wailing become sobs and kept my fingers and toes crossed I will not get a call.

Turns out apart from the morning fiasco, he was actually ok for the rest of the day and it was only on Day 8 did we realize it's because they offered him breakfast (TWO portions! and he already had breakfast at home) to placate him. Sigh, this boy, food is the root of all evil and good here.

FIRST taste of raisins and emo mama wish I were there to see him partake of the forbidden sweet fruit.

Day 9 and the same clinginess, refusal to be put down or left alone. He knew what was going to happen, with his faced scrunched up and one hand holding his wholemeal toast but he remembered to bawl so loudly.

By the time the car drove past the dining area 5 minutes later, he was barely sobbing and still munching his toast whilst laoshi carried him around.  WHEW.

Second week down...and when things are looking up, it's time for weekend and then the terrible bout of Monday blues.

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