I did not grow up with a pet dog and yearned very much for one so when Cyrus came along, I secretly hoped that he and our family dog will grow up together - except, deep down I knew time was finite. Our corgi was no longer a pup, neither a teen but an elder. When Cyrus was born, he was already 12...
Dear Cyrus, You are a big brother now...and this transition has been so tough for you. Mama knows and since blobbie's days you knew from day one that someone would be coming along and you already made it known to us you knew, in your little ways. I know you feel lost, bewildered and all feelings of negativity no matter how hard...
It took me almost a year to get Speckie's birth story out and I resolved not to let the same happen to XLB, here's hers. I always have grand plans every weekend and even with the EDD drawing to a near, I did not want to concede defeat to the belly nor compromise on our weekend plans. 2 June came and I woke...
Warning: LENGTHY entry ahead without pictures. I don't wish to begin this entry with...it was easier than expected. Because it wasn't. Not a single percentage easier trying to conceive again. The number of times I walked back into Women's Clinic and waited for my turn, seeing all the baby pictures again, all the bulging bellies, newborns in arms, even the same spot that...
We finally paid Tayo Station a visit after utilising our Pororo Park passes and the first thing that C did when he entered was to make his way to the TV screen and stood there for a good 5 minutes. Talk about being hugely deprived. Hi there cutie, what are you orchestrating? Picking his automobile! The great thing about going in early is...
As much as possible, I've been exposing C to the world of theatre regularly. Partly because I enjoy them myself and hopefully he starts to appreciate it too. So off to The Very Hungry Caterpillar play! I actually overlooked that it also included other tales and I had not gotten those two other tales to read to him prior - woe is me...
Popcorn it was this month, because I really ran out of ideas what to make him and I was wary this picky eater may just turn his nose up on my donuts if I attempted. So yes, someday homemade donuts but until then he was SO THRILLED to be given his own baby popcorn since we have been dangling Garrett's and denying him....
Very early on during Speckie's time I already knew what I'd call my next foetus, blobbie. When we discovered speckie it was right on time at 4 weeks plus a few days and how ironic was it is when we discovered blobbie, it was actually at 7 weeks 5 days instead of 4 weeks over. Had I missed a whole month? GASP. I...
If life hadn't thrown me IF, I would have timed my children 3 years apart. I joked about having 3 before and having 2 girls and 1 boy though the most ideal situation is to have all girls. Ideals aside, I did not rule out getting pregnant again within the first year but I let breastfeeding the first born take priority. Of course I wish...
It's the time of the year for pink, pink and more pink! This year, we made it a point to visit the Gardens at the start of the entire festival just so these blooms can be viewed in their full glory. We visited a tad too late last year and the blooms were not their prettiest. It does look like sakura in Japan...
Hands up who remembers The Road Safety Community Park at East Coast Parkway? Both Hubba and I have this place deeply etched in our childhood memories and having driven past this countless of times, we decided to take a walk down memory lane with C in tow - playgrounds of yesteryears are the best! Armed with his tricycle, he scooted off into the...
Of the authors that had such an impact in my childhood, Roald Dahl ranks high...it could be his way of telling a story so riveting that all the titles I read were just so worthy of re-reads! Of his books, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach and Matilda are my top top top most favourites. So then I had...
We made it to Sentosa's Funfest 2019! Note that the event ends its run this Sunday so make haste! On hindsight, we made the mistake of parking at Palawan Beach which was by no means the nearest pit stop from the venue, Beach Station would be far more convenient! Imagine our joy when we finally saw Palawan Beach - only to discover that...